Top 5 Youtube Math Channels

You’ve got be careful out there. These youtube math channels are getting better like every two weeks. All I’m saying is you got to enjoy your motherfucking life. And if you aren’t watching youtube math videos, I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you. Maybe you should see if watching these videos will improve the quality of your motherfucking life. OK If you have a good job, then by all means go get that paper boo boo. But if you don’t got no job, and if you aren’t watching these math videos, then I don’t know what the fuck you are doing with your life I really don’t.

(Intro credit to Katt Williams)

5) Pappa Flammy (Flammable Maths)

Jens Fehlau is Pappa Flammy and teaches us how to solve some really great stuff, getting us used to manipulating infinity bois and reminding us at the right time that if we have one apple, we still have one apple. Great merch, memes, great no-notes lecture style, top level enthusiasm, what’s not to love here? Putnam problems, check. Sure there aren’t any expensive animations or video effects but we like to keep things simple. I love chalk. Love this guy, love this channel. Go support his work.

Difficulty – Medium to Expert. Mostly some calc is needed.

4) Black Pen Red Pen (blackpenredpen Maths)

Steve with his alien microphone ball is super clear, super fast, and tackles great calculus problems. Sure, whiteboards suck compared to chalk boards but you know what? Who cares. He uses those colors really well and who else can make integration by parts fun? No one, that’s who. Mad props to this guy. Go learn from him and support his work!

Difficulty – Medium to Expert. Mostly some calc is needed.

3) Three Blue One Brown (3blue1brown Maths)

Grant Sanderson has some truly amazing videos, you really need to see them all. Things that you have heard and never understood, he makes them visual and accessible. And he has what is probably the best video of all about the details of how bitcoin works. Absolutely essential viewing. Go watch and support his work!

Difficulty – Easy to Advanced.

2) Numberphile (Numberphile Maths)

This channel rules. Brady Haran, Matt Parker, James Grime, et al.: thank you!! So many great videos, interviews, topics, and enthusiasm. Crazy interesting problems and demonstrations. Tens to hundreds of millions of youtube views, if you believe those unverifiable and often rigged numbers. Of course you’ve watched some of these videos already, like the mile of pi video, but: go, watch more. Share with your students and your kids and your grandparents. Buy their books and support their work if you can! And sure check out their sister channel “computerphile” as well.

Difficulty – Easy to Advanced

1 ) Mathologer (Mathologer Maths)

Why do we put mathologer in the first place? Well it’s not because he (and his team) are cooler, nor because the math T-shirts are better (that’s subjective of course). Maybe it’s because of Burkard Polster’s German accent? Well we like that from papa Flammy as welll. Perhaps it’s because he seems more a quintessential math geek than the other guys who transcend that with sex appeal and drug references. The general impression is one of general correctness, and unbounded enthusiasm for getting some extra “ah ha moments” and bringing in some lessons in from off the beaten path that even the seasoned mathematician will get something from. In any case, go watch the videos! And support the channel if you can.

Difficulty – Medium to Expert

Honorable Mentions:

Terence Tao

OK so this isn’t a youtube channel but there are a number of his talks available on youtube, and you will want to see them. Especially the cosmic distance ladder, absolutely mandatory viewing for those with very little math background. The other stuff is mostly expert only.

VSauce / Michael Stevens

Great stuff. Check out him listing prime numbers for three hours if you doubt his dedication. Hands on stuff easily accessible. Go watch and support his channel!

Vihart / Victoria Hart

More amazing content. Hands on math and geometry. Go make some hexaflexagons with her and enjoy her artistic explorations of fascinating mathematics! Support her channel if you can.

Carl Bender / Mathematical Physics

OK so there are tons of university classes now available for your viewing pleasure, this one just happens to have caught my attention as a physicist and this guy is amazing. He reminded me of one of my favorite professors Martin Lee, and after mentioning him to Marty I learned that Prof. Lee had in fact studied with Prof. Bender! Megaclassic lectures on techniques in mathematical physics.

Razing Thunder

Michael Penn

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